19 května 2014

Karen Grace McCombie

  • Ally's World *
  1. The Past, the Present and the Loud, Loud Girl
  2. Dates, Double Dates and Big, Big Trouble
  3. Butterflies, Bullies and Bad, Bad Habits
  4. Friends, Freak-outs and Very Secret Secrets
  5. Boys, Brothers and Jelly-Belly Dancing
  6. Sisters, Super-creeps and Slushy, Gushy Love Songs
  7. Parties, Predicaments and Undercover Pets
  8. Tattoos, Tell-tales and Terrible, Terrible Twins
  9. Mates, Mysteries and Pretty Weird Weirdness
  10. Daisy, Dad and the Huge, Small Surprise
  11. Rainbows, Rowan and True, True Romance (?)
  12. Visitors, Vanishings and Va-Va-Va Voom
  13. Crushes, Cliques and the Cool, School Trip
  14. Hassles, Heart-pings!, and Sad, Happy Endings
  15. Sunshine, Sunburn And Not-So-Sweet-Nothings (Summer special)
  16. Angels, Arguments and a Furry, Merry Christmas (Christmas special, prequel to main series)

  1. A Guided Tour Of Ally's World
  2. My V. Groovy Ally's World Journal

Karen vydala serii o Alici která vyšla nedávno s novími obálkami které jsou opravdu velice modorní a měli by nalákat nové čtenáře. Kromě Alice vydala serii o Stele která , ale nebyla tak úspěšná .

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